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The olive oil quality standards

The olive oil quality standards

, by Apostolos Magkoulias, 1 min reading time

The olive oil quality standards

The olive oil quality standards


The quality classification of olive oil is an essential element of the market, at international level, which separates oil oil based on the production method, the degree of acidity and basic organoleptic characteristics.

Based on these allowable quality standards for sale, offered to the consumer information about the product and form pricing.

  • Extra virgin olive oil

The production is done only mechanical or  whith other physical means under conditions that do not cause damage to the produced oil and which has not undergone any further treatment other than washing, decantation, centrifugation and filtration. But what characterizes the extra virgin is the content of free fatty acids, expressed as oleic acid, which must not exceed 0,8 g per 100 g.

  • Virgin olive oil

The process standards of production and processing is the same as the extra virgin olive oil, as seen above except that the content of free fatty acids can reach 2 g.

  • Refined or Refined Olive Oil

This olive oil produced from the processing of virgin olive oil with different physicochemical treatments and whose acidity does not exceed 0,3 g. The taste quality, flavor and color is much lower than that of virgin olive oils and missing its valuable components.

  • Olive oil composed of refined and virgin olive oils

Blend of refined and virgin olive oils whose content of free fatty acids does not exceed 1 g.

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