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Cretan diet, a proper meal - The Meander Shop

Cretan diet, a proper meal

, by Apostolos Magkoulias, 1 min reading time

Cretan diet, a proper meal


Cretan diet, a proper meal

To date, Cretan diet remains standard, has been officially recognized as a Mediterranean diet, a concept linked with longevity and positive thinking. Cretan meal is remarkable for the variety of colors and fragrances.

All dishes are concentrated in complete lineup, maintaining the importance of the Cretan hospitality. Recipes past down from generation to generation, lovingly preserving the tradition of taste.

Due to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, Cretan land offers simple and quality products, products of the Mediterranean Diet.

The raw material of Cretan culinary contained in: Oil, wheat, wine, honey and aromatic plants and herbs, an open-handed land completing the definition of Well Being. Both the production of local varieties of wine, and oil production, constitute the core of dietary habits and consumption of the Cretan household.

Due to the climatic conditions and soil composition, the oil and the wine is probably the richest goods which are part of high rank and compete in international markets.

Summary and Allocated:

  • Olive oil is known since the Minoan years, the olive tree existed in Crete since 3000 BC.
  • For the preparation of dishes are used edible products according to their age.
  • The meat products are usually consumed are goat, pork and poultry.
  • Mostly, the bread is replaced by barley or wheat nut.
  • Dairy products derived from goat-sheep milk occupy an important position in Cretan food chain.
  • Main sweetening ingredients are molasses and honey.
  • Eating snails maintains a prominent position as a source of minerals and proposed as alternative food.
  • Aromatic herbs are ideal for beverages.

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